How I Read the News šŸ“°

I try to keep up with current events, but the way most people do it is just plain wrong.

Why You’re Reading the News Wrong

Here is a nice table of why most people read the news wrong:

What people doWhy it is wrong
Get their news from social media.It is biased by algorithms.
Read just one news site.Also biased.
Watch cable news.Eww.

How I Read the News

First, I run a computer program on my server called FreshRSS that automatically fetches the news. FreshRSS uses RSS feeds, a kind of machine readable list of articles which most news sites have. For sites that do not have an RSS feed I program XPath rules to automatically detect articles. All of these articles are automatically put into a list. I try to pick a variety of news sources so that I have a relatively well-rounded set of opinions to read on every topic. This eliminates a lot of the bias in the news.

For reading on my phone I use an app called NetNewsWire that connects to FreshRSS and downloads the articles. NetNewsWire also has a nice reader view that looks pretty good.

For reading on my Laptop, I just use the FreshRSS dashboard. I also use Firefox with the NoScript extension to get rid of all the pesky annoyances that most news websites have.

Additionally, I also read the front page of several news websites and listen to a few news podcasts. This is how I get a well rounded account of current events.







One response to “How I Read the News šŸ“°”

  1. Vasavi Chenna

    Iā€™m going to get that app. Thanks Jimmy!

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