Jimmy’s Blog: Random thoughts from Jimmy.

  • Fancy New Emoji

    UPDATE 22-12-2022: Twemoji has still not been updated to Emoji 15.0 and Twitter (who makes Twemoji) is in chaos. It is not certain whether it will be updated. I have updated the website to use Noto Emoji. These are not the color emoji you may be used to, but I think they fit the site…

  • My WWDC22 Predictions

    Apple’s World Wide Developer Conference is coming this Monday. Here are my predictions for what will be announced. UPDATE: well my predictions were not totally right. oh well. iPhone They will announce the iPhone 14. I will be about the same as the iPhone 13 but with a slightly better camera, marginally faster CPU, and…

  • Podcasting: A Rare Beacon of Online Freedom

    Podcasts. I like podcasts. You like podcasts (if not why are you reading this?). We all like podcasts. But podcasts are not simply a new form of online content, they are one of the few things that Big Tech hasn’t managed to take over. Much of the internet is monopolized. If you want to make…

  • How to Edit Videos for Free

    Unless video editing is your entire career, there is no reason to pay tons of money to edit videos.

  • iOS 15

    iOS 15 is out now. It doesn’t have very many changed but notification have been greatly improved. My WireGuard VPNs were all deleted, but otherwise it has worked well.

  • The M1 Chip

    Everyone is talking about how Mac has some fancy new ~M1~ CPU and how it is an ARM cpu. Most people talk about how their PC is better and blah blah blah. Here is my unique take: I have had an ARM CPU on my Raspberry for years before you Mac users even had butterfly…

  • The New JimmyNet

    I have finally done it! JimmyNet is now a properly built cloud-hosted website that runs on a fast server.